Successful project developments and investments worldwide
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K.I.A. Holding handles the entirety of project development, from the initial idea through to operations. The management of K.I.A. Holding has over 30 years of experience in this field. During this time, our concept of comprehensive project development has proven itself not only in shopping centres, retail and hotel properties, but also in hospitals, specialist clinics, industrial laboratories and nursing facilities, which are designed, planned, implemented, rented, operated and marketed by us – all from a single source.
As a holding company, we assume the function of a complex switchboard. A team of specialists from the fields of medicine, medical technology, business management, town planning, construction and law work hand-in-hand to attain joint success. This combination of specialist skills and years of experience makes us a reliable partner for everyone involved in the project.
We determine the development or revitalisation of our projects in conjunction with the operators, basing this on the exact situation on the ground to enable the maximum value to be extracted from the potential available. This creates the best conditions for long-term success and sustainable profitability. Our broad palette of services covering development – planning – construction – management – maintenance – training also serves this purpose, as we ensure that the projects we develop run perfectly.